Saturday, August 04, 2012

Needed to get this said. Since nobody ever reads this thing, it should be safe to admit here. I am a failure as a husband. I never realized how much until today. We had been babysitting the most amazing little boy for the last few days and he made us realize just how sad we are that K and I never had a baby of our own. Nikkis is wonderful, but she wasn't from K. And apparantly a baby with K is just something I was never able to make happen. Ever since my urethraplasty in 2003, I knew my chances of having another baby were drastically diminshed. And the chances were less and less each year. Now, at 42 years old, after seeing the joy in the face of a little boy, I see just how badly I have let her down. I hope she can forgive me.

Monday, January 12, 2009

I'm baaaaaack!

Yep, going to give this a shot again. Lots have been going on lately, but unfortunately still unemployed. Hoping that changes soon...

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Well whaddaya know...

I finally figured out my password to this place! Well, there's been a ton and a half of things that have happened, and I'll be getting everything caught up soon. Just not now. Nope, I don't have the time to do that right now, but I will do it for sure over the next few days. In the meantime, however, if anyone knows of anyone who needs the services of a graphic designer, I'd be much obliged if you sent them over my way as I'm unemployed at the moment. More on that soon too.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Anna Nicole Smith is dead...

No, this isn't going to be some crude joke, or satirical ranting. Rather, I have a serious question: Why did she die? I mean, with all the things surrounding her life, does anyone else find this kind of fishy? I mean, she is in legal war with the family of her late husband over his fortune, her son dies while visiting her in the hospital after she just gave birth to the baby of her lawyer, or is it? I mean, did she fall prey to her husband's family, did she take her own life over the tragedies that have befallen her, or did the current lawsuit against her and Trim-Spa take its toll on her?

Any thought out there? Personally, everything is a conspiracy to me, so I just wonder who or what actually killed her.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Time for a new post

Yeah, yeah, yeah... I know. I know I said I'd post at least once a week... sue me. Life happens.

I updated my links on the side over to the right to reflect the merging of Atomic Merkin with Wrestling Efeds. I know, happened a while ago, but again, life happens. Get over it, be happy it got done.

Update on Toby. I think he needs to be renamed ToPee since all he seems to do is pee all over the place ever since we got him snipped. I'm not sure if it's spite, a temporary side effect from the snippage or what. Everyone keeps telling us it'll pass, so we wait, and keep carpet cleaner on hand.

I'm also working on redoing the Chainmail Guys website so it's all set and ready for online purchases finally. Just waiting on completing our Merchant account setup and then I'll have the store online and live. In plenty of time for the June Rennaisance Faire.

Oh, regarding the Rennaisance Faire, it is actually going to be a true Renn Faire again this year! (Yayhoo!) As opposed to the pirate fest they had last year. It was a good show, don't get me wrong, but it was very hard for the vendors to do really well. Especially all of us medieval/rennaisance themed vendors who had to constantly be barraged with the common question of "Why are you selling this stuff at a pirate fair?" Unfortunately, when we all signed on as vendors, we fully expected it to be a Renn Faire as always, after signing on we were informed of the switch. Being as we were already signed on and producing product for the show, we figured we'd give it a shot. Not saying we didn't do well, just saying that we should have done much better if it were a Renn Faire. Well, we will see how it goes this time around. I feel that with the Renn theme returning, the website being revamped and accepting online payments as well as us being set up to accept credit cards at the show now we should be in good shape. Be sure to come by any weekend in June and see for yourselves how we're doing! I've added a link to the side for the NJ Rennaisance Faire so you can get directions and whatever other info you'd like.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Heeeeeeeeeeere's Spanky!

Yeah, that's right folks. I'm back! As I promised, I'd be posting shortly after the new year. I would have actually posted sooner, but I have been flat on my back with Captain Trips since Thursday. I got better though.

Anywho, expect to see at least weekly entries if not multiple entries per week for the new year.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Howdy Ya'll!

Yep, still alive. Just going a little crazy with typical end-of-year stuff. I promise to start posting a little more regularly as soon as the new year starts. No, really!